We believe it is our responsibility to ensure that the impact our operation has on the environment is minimal. Sustainability is not an afterthought and despite the majority of our environmental impact not being under our direct control we still take these responsibilities seriously and believe that we also have to accept a degree of accountability for these indirect impacts. To this end we work hard alongside our Supply Partners to minimise the environmental impact of their own operations, in particular from energy consumption, waste and transportation.
We share an ethical responsibility to minimise environmental impact
The very nature of our proposition in sourcing local products, delivered by local suppliers means that every day we are operating in a sustainable way. We encourage our farmers and growers to attain the highest standards in terms of biodiversity, carbon emissions and the environment. Furthermore by working with local businesses, we are investing back into local economies across the country. Good food should not come at an unnecessary cost to the environment if it is sourced in a responsible, ethical and sustainable way and backed up by the right levels of due diligence. It’s all about the food